Hybrid firefly and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for the detection of Bundle Branch Block
Short Communication
P: 44 - 48
March 2016

Hybrid firefly and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for the detection of Bundle Branch Block

Int J Cardiovasc Acad 2016;2(1):44-48
1. Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad 500090, India
2. VR Siddardha Engineering College, Vijayawada 520007, India
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 11.09.2015
Accepted Date: 06.12.2015


Abnormal Cardiac beat identification is a key process in the detection of heart ailments. This work proposes a technique for the detection of Bundle Branch Block (BBB) using hybrid Firefly and Particle Swarm Optimization (FFPSO) technique in combination with Levenberg Marquardt Neural Network (LMNN) classifier. BBB is devel- oped when there is a block along the electrical impulses travel to make heart to beat. ECG feature extraction is a key process in detecting heart ailments. Our present study comes up with a hybrid method combining the two meta-heuristic optimization methods, Firefly algorithm (FFA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), for feature optimization of ECG (BBB and normal) patterns. One of the major controlling forces is the light intensity attraction of FFA algorithm that models the optimum solution. The light intensity attraction process of the FFA algorithm depends on random directions for search, this may delay in achieving the global optimization solution. The hybrid technique FFPSO, integrates the concepts from FF algorithm and PSO and creates new individuals. In the FFPSO method the local search is performed through the modified light intensity attraction step with PSO op- erator. The FFPSO features are compared with the classical FF, PSO features. The FFPSO feature values are given as the input to the Levenberg Marquardt Neural Network (LM NN) classifier. It has been observed that the perfor- mance of the classifier is improved with the help of the optimized features.

Bundle Branch Block FFA PSO FFPSO LM NN classifier